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Austin > Community > Events and Entertainment > ART on 5th Gallery Celebrates Austin as The Home of The Lorax

ART on 5th Gallery Celebrates Austin as The Home of The Lorax

Event date: 03/01/2012 - 03/31/2012

Austin, TX • 02/13/2012

Celebrating Austin’s little known connection to Dr. Seuss, and the premier of the highly-anticipated movie The Lorax, ART on 5th hosts the largest gallery exhibition in the country focused on the art and life of Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss.

Opening Reception: 6:00-9:00pm, Friday, March 2nd - 7:00 pm special presentation and exhibition tour with Bill Dreyer, The Art of Dr. Seuss National Curator

ART on 5th is the exclusive gallery in Austin representing The Art of Dr. Seuss. Along with this collection of limited edition reproductions, a series of over 40 educational panels will be on exhibit to edify and entertain visitors with the rich, yet little known, artistic history of this celebrated American icon.

**Exhibition runs through March 31st – Gallery Hours: Monday-Saturday:10:00am – 6:00pm
(512) 481-1111|



Posted by: Mac Strategies Group

Located: 1501 West 5th Street, Austin, TX

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