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Austin > Classifieds > Wanted > Coke reward points - mycokerewards - $1

Coke reward points - mycokerewards - $1

Austin, TX • 08/29/2007

If you or anyone you know buys Coke products (Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Barrs, Dasani, Fresca, Minute Maid, Nestea, Pibb, or Vault). These items contain codes on the inside of the boxes or caps of the bottle drinks.

The plastic bottle caps are worth 3 points and the 12-pack box tops are worth 10 points.

If you are not going to use them for yourself I am willing to buy these point at a price of 1.5 cents per point. I will only buy these points in lots of less than one-hundred points for first time sellers.

If interested please email me and we can work out payment options (paypal, cash).

Thank you.


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Austin, TX

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